What should I do? I received an email that says: ⚠ ____.bates-catapult.net: Potential reduced AutoSSL coverage


What to do when you get an email from your catapult account domain, which says that there is a "potential of reduced SSL coverage". This is not a critical issue, but it also easily fixable.


This email is sent from the software that runs your Catapult web hosting account. It is an easily solved issue that should take under 5 minutes to fix. Here's what to do:

  1. Login to your Catapult account: https://catapult.bates.edu/
  2. Once logged in, you will see your grid of hosting tool icons. Find "SSL/TLS Status" on the page (under the Security heading). 
  3. On the SSL/TLS Status page, you will find a list of domains associated with your account. Some of these will show the error message An error occurred the last time AutoSSL ran...  (most probably the domains staring with "cpanel", "webmail", "webdisk", "cpcontacts", and "cpcalendars")
  4. Check the boxes in the rows with the error message
  5. Click the Exclude 5 Domains from AutoSSL button   at the top of the list. You should immediately get a green popup "Success" message in the upper left.
  6. Now click the Run AutoSSL button  at the top of the list. The button text will change to AutoSSL is in progress.
  7. The process will take two or three minutes (sometimes a little longer). Do not reload the page. Instead take a minute to close your eyes and just slowly breathe. When the process is complete, the page will automatically reload. The domains you've excluded from AutoSSL will now show the message "The installed certificate does not cover this domain..."
  8. You are all done, and can safely close the page.



Article ID: 518
Fri 1/28/22 11:40 AM
Fri 1/28/22 11:40 AM