Connect to Bates WiFi (Bates Open)


Bates College offers access to 3 Wireless (WiFi) Networks for individuals to choose from when on campus.

Bates Open – The Bates Open WiFi Network is available for guests of the college. Bates Open is also used for connecting gaming consoles, Apple TVs, Smart Devices, etc. 

Bates Secure – Bates Secure is the primary WiFi Network for Bates Faculty, Staff, and Students and offers full WPA2 encryption.

Eduroam – Bates Faculty, Staff, and Students visiting institutions in the US and around the world may connect to the Eduroam WiFi Network at participating institutions using their Bates College Username and Password.  In turn, visitors to Bates from participating schools may access the Internet with the credentials provided by their home institutions.  

Visitor Wireless Network Access (PDF)



Article ID: 586
Thu 8/31/23 5:43 PM
Thu 8/31/23 6:03 PM

