Recommended Headsets to Use With Zoom Phone


Headsets and Handsets are a personal choice/preference for each individual; preferences, such as type, style, size, and cost, may also be factors when deciding on what is the most comfortable option for you. Some individuals may prefer a headband-type headset or an over-the-ear headset, while others may want to use a physical handset/receiver.

The list below is a variety of options we recommend. We either have tested them in our day-to-day interactions with the Zoom Unified Communications Suite, or we have reviewed their specifications, features, quality, cost, and comfort to provide you with various options when deciding what is best for you.

Headsets and Earbuds recommended by Zoom.

USB (Wired) Options

Bluetooth (Wireless) Options


 Note: The purchasing of headsets or earbuds is a departmental expense. Please talk with your supervisor about your department's policy for purchasing these items. Headsets and earbuds may be purchased from WB Mason or Amazon.

Note: *Prices published are from the vendor website. Prices and availability may change without notice. You may find lower prices from Amazon.




Article ID: 530
Wed 3/16/22 8:31 AM
Fri 1/3/25 1:40 PM