Employee Departure

The first place to start when an employee is planning to leave the college is with HR. Much of the work is automated after HR enters information about the employee's departure. 

As a supervisor, there will be some things for you to consider, and prepare for with your employee. 

1. Email 

Email access ends on the last day of employment. Employees are able to place their vacation responder on so that anyone emailing their account will receive that responder for the next 182 days. The employee has control over choosing to put it on and what it says. If the supervisor wants people to know how to get in touch with the department, they need to work with their person to add that to the vacation responder. If the employee chooses not to put it on, any emails sent to that address will be accepted by the system, but the sender will receive no notification. 

The employee will not have access to the account. The account will simply respond to all senders with the vacation responder.

2. Google Files

If access to files that were created in a person's Google drive will be needed after that person has left, the employee should work with their supervisor to move those files to a "Shared Drive".  Please note that this is different than "sharing" the files with the supervisor. If you have questions about how to do this please submit a ticket with the helpdesk using this link: https://bates.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/75/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=516

3. Hardware

After Human Resources notifies ILS of the final date of employment for employees, ILS will send to the employee and their supervisor a list of all equipment assigned to the employee, to ensure that all of that equipment is left on the desk of the employee on their last day. Supervisors are responsible for collecting all assigned equipment and should notify ILS (via an email to helpdesk@bates.edu) if any equipment is missing. The first business day after the employee leaves, ILS will collect all equipment from the employee’s desk/work space including computers, monitors, docking stations, tablets, keyboard, mouse, etc.
Peripherals such as monitors and docking stations should not be taken from the desk and re-distributed to other offices. If peripherals are missing, the department will be charged for their

If you are a remote employee, part of your assignment on the last day is to ship the laptop, and any other equipment back to the address listed below, and email helpdesk@bates.edu to let ILS know they have done so. ILS will remotely wipe the laptop after the final day of employment. Remote employees are not permitted to hold onto the laptop and peripherals until they return to campus at a future date. 

Bates College

c/o Inventory Return

110 Russell Street

Lewiston, ME