If you are connected to the Bates Open SSID WiFi, you will not be able to access or print to the PaperCat Printers, you must be connected to the Bates Secure SSID.
Step 1: Connect to the PaperCat Print Server
Right-click on the Start button.

Click on Run.

In the Open Dialogue box, Type: \\papercat.
Click on the OK button.

Step 2: Install the PaperCat Printer
Double-click on the PaperCat printer to install the Printer.

The PaperCat Printer will now install.

Once the PaperCat Printer is installed, the PaperCat Print Queue will open and display a list of print jobs pending release.

Step 3: Ready to Print
When the printer queue window opens (above), your computer is ready to print to the PaperCat printers.
Related Article: How do I print to the PaperCat Printers from my Microsoft Windows computer?
Related Article: Where do I Find the PaperCat Printers?