Unsubscribe/Leave a Google Group

How do I..........

How do I unsubscribe/leave from a Google Group?


Method 1:
To Access Bates Google Groups:

  •  On your computer, open your Bates Gmail account from within a web browser and login
  •  On the top right, click on the application launcher box and click on the Groups icon
  •  You will see two options in the left margin – My groups and All groups

My groups:

To viewmanage (if you are a Bates Google Group Owner), or leave/unsubscribe from a Bates Google Group you are subscribedclick on the My groups link.

Unsubscribing/Leaving to a Bates Google Group:

To unsubscribe/leave from a Bates Google Group (The Factalk Google Group will be used as an example):

  •  Click on the <-] (Leave Group) button, located to the right of the group name
  •  You will receive a popup window, confirming your removal, click on the Yes, leave group button

Method 2:
Unsubscribing/Leaving to a Bates Google Group by Email:

  • Address an email to the group email address and include +unsubscribe to the end of the group nameNo subject or message body is necessary. You must format the email address exactly as follows:
    • groupname+unsubscribe@groups.bates.edu
  • As an example, to unsubscribe/leave from the Factalk Google Group, address an email to the following email address: factalk+unsubscribe@groups.bates.edu
  • You will then receive an email confirming your departure from the group


There are two methods for unsubscribing yourself from a Bates Google Group. The first method is by utilizing the Google Groups browser interface and the second method is by sending an email to the Google Group requesting to be unsubscribed (removed). 

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