Setting up your Zoom Holiday Hours is similar to adding a Vacation Responder in your Bates Gmail account, where you set up a start and end date and your away greeting/message.
Step 1: Accessing your Voicemail Settings
- From a web browser, access the Bates Zoom Communications Hub at
- The Google Chrome web browser is recommended
- Click on the Sign in button

- Sign in using your Bates Credentials and Duo Two-Factor Authentication
Step 2: Setup your Holiday Hours
- In the left margin, click on Phone (located under the Personal section)

- Under the Settings tab, Scroll down to the Call Handling section
- Look for Holiday Hours/Holiday List & Call Handling
- Click on the Manage link

- Click on the Add button
- Name your Holiday Hours (Winter Break, Holiday Break, etc.)
- Select your From (Start) Date and Time (the default start time is 12:00 am)
- Select your To (End) Date and Time (the default start time is 12:00 am)
- Click the Save button

Step 3: Create or Record your Greeting
- From the When a call is not answered section, select Forward to voicemail /videomail
- Under the Greeting & Leave instruction, click on the Edit drop-down menu

- From the Add Audio window, you may create a Text to Speech, Record by Computer, or Upload a Greeting/Message
- Text to Speech
- Asset Name - Provide your Greeting with a name
- Category - Select Voicemail Greeting
- Language - Select American English
- Voice - Select a Voice for your Greeting/Message
- Make sure to preview the voice you select before clicking on the Add button
- Message to play - Type your Greeting/Message
- Proofread or play your greeting before you click on the Add button. Make any updates or corrections
- Click on the Add button

- Upload
- Asset Name - Provide your Greeting/Message with a name
- Category - Select Voicemail Greeting
- Language - Select American English
- Audio Upload - Click on the Upload button to add your audio
- Click on the Add button

- Record by Computer
- Asset Name - Provide your Greeting/Message with a name
- Category - Select Voicemail Greeting
- Language - Select American English
- Record Audio - Click on the red Record button to begin your recording
- Note: Your web browser may ask for access permission to your computer’s microphone; acknowledge the message to Allow
- Play your Greeting/Message before you click on the Add button.
- Make any corrections by rerecording your Greeting/Message
- Click on the Add button

Step 4: Sign out of the Bates Zoom Communications Hub
- Click on your Profile Icon (located at the top right of the window)
- Move your mouse below your name in the blank spot
- Click the Sign Out button