Groups: Automated versus Manual Member Lists

We have two types of mail lists at Bates, automated and manual. 

An automated list is one in which membership is created by pulling data from an existing source, such as Banner, and loaded into the list. These are used for class lists, major lists, housing lists, course lists and many others. 

Manual lists have the membership managed manually by an "owner" or "manager" of the list. 

How do you know which is best?  If an automated list exists for the group you are trying to contact that is always the best method. These are synced on a regular basis and can be considered accurate at all times.  The helpdesk can tell you whether an automated list exists for the group you are trying to contact. 

Manual groups are most useful when the information on membership is not stored in Banner. The challenge with these lists is that they need to be manually updated by someone, and therefore, may not be up to date. 

When determining whether a manual group is right for you, please consider the following:

- How often does membership change? 

- How will the manager know that membership has changed? 

- Is there a backup to the manager in case they are unavailable or leave the college? 

- What are the repercussions if the list is not accurate? 

The helpdesk is able to help you think through these questions and direct you to the best method for managing lists. 


Article ID: 606
Wed 3/13/24 11:34 AM
Fri 3/15/24 9:38 AM